CSCI 599
Office : SAL 228 Phone : (213) 740-4520 Email : WWW : Office Hours : by appointment, send email or talk w/ prof. after class
In the second part of the course we will discuss scaling up mobile robot control to multi-robot systems and swarms of robots. We will relate this problem to multi-agent control and to Distributed AI, and discuss scaling up of centralized, hierarchical, and decentralized architectures for control. Finally, we will address learning in multi-agent and multi-robot systems, and deal with challenges including interference and credit assignment.
Jan 19 :
Introduction and overview of the course; intro to the
experimental testbeds
Jan 26 :
Survey of basic control methods
--> background reading: from "AI, a Modern Approach" by Russell & Norvig
(Ch 2 and Ch 25 pages 773-781, 786-790 only)
Feb 2 :
Reactive systems
Feb 9 :
Hybrid systems
Feb 16 :
Behavior-based systems
background reading on behavior-based systems (from CS445 lecture notes)
Feb 23 :
project proposals
Behavior-based systems
Mar 2 :
Supervised Learning in Robotics
Mar 11 :
Reinforcement Learning in Robots/Agents
Mar 16 :
No class: Spring Break
Mar 23 :
Genetic/Evolutionary Approaches to Robot Learning
background reading on genetic programming
Mar 30 :
Multi-agent control (graphical agents)
mpg videos of multi-robot flocking and other group behaviors
Apr 6 :
Multi-robot control
Apr 13 :
Multi-agent control
Apr 20 :
Multi-agent/robot learning
Apr 27 :
Philosophical Overviews
May 6 (11am-1pm, in-class):
Final, part 1: Project presentations and discussion
May 7 (11am-2pm, in-class):
Final, part 2: More project presentations and discussion
For students interested in working with physical robots:
1) If you have access to a robotic testbed from your own research, you are strongly encouraged to use it to implement and present a project in this course.
2) We are making the Phoenix, a simple robot car, selectively
available to a qualified student as a testbed.
3) We are also making Geo II (shown on the left), a
high-degree-of-freedom legged robot, available for your project use.
For more information, look here.
4) Information on robot kits that you can purchase is listed here.
5) We may have access to LEGO kits and Handy boards as well, for students who have relevant programming experience.
For students interested in working with a multi-agent simulation:
1) Information on some simulation testbeds is available here.
2) We encourage you to propose alternative testbeds.
Helful information for preparing your project presentation can be found here, and for preparing your final paper here.
Specifically, final course grades will consist of:
15% quiz 20% in-class discussion participation 30% in-class paper presentations 35% final project implementation and final paper
Date | presenter paper #1 |
presenter paper #2 |
presenter paper #3 |
1/26 | Maja Mataric |
Brian Gerkey |
Monica Nicolescu |
2/2 | Erik Jasso |
Brian Gerkey | Tim Mossbarger |
2/9 | Erik Hovland |
Monica Nicolescu | Erik Jasso |
2/16 | Salvador Marmol |
Sean Butler | Erik Jasso |
2/23 | Sean Butler |
Erik Hovland | Sean Butler |
3/2 | Stefan Weber |
Stefan Weber | Omar Rashad |
3/9 | Monica Nicolescu |
Melanie Vida | John Mehringer |
3/23 | Tim Mossbarger |
Stefan Weber | Salvador Marmol |
3/30 | Erik Hovland |
Melanie Vida | Midterm Quiz |
4/6 | Melanie Vida |
Omar Rashad | Salvador Marmol |
4/13 | John Mehringer |
Roy Nwaisser | Roy Nwaisser |
4/20 | Brian Gerkey |
John Mehringer | Tim Mossbarger |
4/27 | Stefan Weber |
Omar Rashad | Roy Nwaisser |
final date |
presenter final project |
presenter final project |
presenter final project |
5/6 | Brian G. Melanie V. |
Sean B. Erik J. | Tim M. Salvador M. |
5/7 | Stefan W. Erik H. | John M. Roy N. | Monica N. Sean M. |