MindStorms LEGO Robot

John Mehringer

with Roy Nwaisser



This paper details the construction and use of the LEGO MindStorms robot kit to create a line following robot, which picks up a ball on the way to its destination. It is a reactive system that keeps no state information about the outside world.


Being new to the field of robotics and having played with LEGOs as a child we picked the LEGO MindStorms kit as our development platform. Being a consumer level kit we figured it would be simple enough for beginners to implement some type of functional robot. Our goal was to create a package delivery robot that would pick up a ball and drop it off in another predetermined location.

MindStorms Kit

The MindStorms kit contains an RCX CPU module, a light level sensor, 2 touch sensors, 2 electric motors, various gears and various different sized blocks. The CPU is a Hitachi H8/3292 microcontroller with connections for 3 input sensors and 3 output effectors. It has a total of 32K of RAM plus an infrared transmitter for communicating with a computer or with another RCX based controller. Due to the limited number of sensors and sensor inputs achieving seemed to be a challenge so we decided to try and combine 2 kits together and so that we would have enough sensors and processing power.

Building the Robot

Of the big advantages of using a LEGO based robot is that its body design can be changed or configured in many different combinations. The disadvantage to using LEGOs is that they are not as strong as you would like them to be and they like to fall apart under heavy loads.

Never designing a robot before we came up with 4 different prototypes before finally having a somewhat workable robot which comes close to our goal of a package delivery robot. One comments is the LEGO MindStorms RCX computer unit is very, very heavy when filled with 6 AA batteries. Trying to connect 2 units together was a challenge because of the size of the RCX and the weight.

Our robot was to follow a black line on the ground and pick up a ball at a marked location along the path and then drop it off at another location. One RCX was used to navigate and move the robot along the line and the other was to operate the pickup and drop off routines. The first robot consisted of the 2 RCX units held together lengthwise by LEGO bricks. Unfortunately this design was scrapped quickly because it was too long to be able to turn effectively. Also, we were having difficulties building with a grasping mechanism out of LEGOs for finding and then picking up the ball.

The next 2 design concepts were to build the Robot with a big arch in the center and two gates, one in the front and another in the back. The idea was we could open the gates, move over the ball, close the gates to trap the ball, move to the new location, and open the gates to release the ball. We decided to use tanks treads to control the robot, which allowed for more accurate turns. In the first implementation in the arch style we had put the treads hanging outside of the arch walls so that the ball would not interfere with the movement of the robot. I believe that this idea had a lot of promise but the weight of the RCX units and 4 motors became a big problem.

The LEGO axles for the wheels and treads are made of plastic and, unfortunately, plastic has a tendency to bend when put under extreme weight. With 2 RCX controllers on top of our robot the tread axles bowed outwards and would either stop the robot from moving or would add enough stress to the arch walls to cause them to come apart.

Still liking the arch idea we rebuilt the entire drive train but this time they were built into the bottom of the arch walls. This design was very solid and worked for several trials but began to break down due to 2 facts. First, the LEGO gears like the axles are also made of plastic. And second the teeth of the gears did not fit exactly into each other. Over time the teeth wore down and then the gears ground into each other, not moving the robot but destroying each other.

Finally, we had to scrap the arch design because we could not get any combination of gears to fit into each other properly. This made the movement of the robot very unpredictable. The last design was back to aligning the RCXs lengthwise but this time we put a hinge between them allowing the front RCX to turn independently and the rear RCX trails behind.

With this design we now had to be able to pick up the ball and carry it with us. To the front of the robot we mounted a bucket which scoops up the ball and lifts it on to its back. We did not come up with a reliable way of dropping the ball so for now the robot just keeps the ball on its back in a little cage.


The control program for the robot was written in Not Quite C (NQC). NQC is a C like syntactical language. Using it is like programming in a mixture of assembly variable references and C control constructs. It is superior to the graphically oriented design language that ships with the MindStorms product and NQC has compilers for almost every operating system.

At first we tried to have the robot complete the line following task only utilizing one sensor. This proved to be ineffective because when searching for the line after driving off of it, the robot usually end of turning in the opposite direction or turning to become perpendicular to the line. We then borrowed another light sensor from the other group using MindStorms and implemented a stereo line detection system.

Now with two sensors mounted side by side the robot will move forward if both sensors detect the black line. If the right sensor loses the line the robot will turn left and vice versa. This has lead to a much more robust line following scheme, the only problem the robot seems to have is around sharp corners where both detectors lose the line too quickly for the robot to react.

There is a third light sensor attached to the rear RCX unit. This is used to detect a separate line perpendicular to the main navigation line. This mark tells the RCX that it has encountered a ball on the roadway and needs to activate the bucket to scoop it up into the container bin.


The big conclusion that I have learned from this project is that the robots is difficult due to that fact it has to deal with imperfect real world objects. Axles have to be strong enough, motors have to produce enough power, gears need to fit together well, and sensors need to give accurate reading. Coming up with a design for your robot can be difficult. Not knowing what the materials you work with are capable of can make the job more difficult. Also, determining what sensors are necessary and how to combine them can simplify the problem immensely. After adding the second light sensor to the line detector made the control algorithm much more straightforward and easier to implement.




LEGO MindStorms Homepage on the Internet at the World Wide Web URL http://www.legoMindStorms.com

Not Quite C on the Internet at the World Wide Web URL http://www.enteract.com/~dbaum/LEGO/nqc/

RCX Internals on the Internet at the World Wide Web URL http://graphics.stanford.edu/~kekoa/rcx/