Harsh Vathsangam


This is my personal website. I am a PostDoctoral Research Associate at the Robotic Embedded Research Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Viterbi School of Engineering, USC. I hold an undergraduate degree in Engineering Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. My research deals with sensing and statistical machine learning for personal health and wellness. My thesis dealt with accurate, anytime-anywhere sensing techniques for physical activity description and energy expenditure monitoring. I work with Dr. Gaurav S. Sukhatme. I have had the honor of being an USC Annenberg Fellow (2008-2012) and a USC PhD Achievement Awardee (2013).

Moving Analytics

I am the co-founder of an awesome startup called Moving Analytics Inc. The company makes the app Movn that uses big-data algorithms to motivate people to stay physically active.

Get it on Google Play
  • Sensing and interaction for health and wellness
  • Software for chronic disease management
  • Theory and applications of statistical machine learning for health care
  • Alternative Augmentative Communication

Email: vathsang [at] usc . edu
Curriculum Vitae / Research Brief


Contact Info:

University of Southern California MC 2905
Ronald Tutor Hall (RTH 426)
3710 South McClintock Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90089-2905
vathsang at usc.edu

If you are contacting for the first time and would like to know more about my work, please be sure to include "Research Query - ". This is just so that I know it's a legitimate mail and can reply faster. No attachments in the first mail, since our spam filter blocks it. If you are not from USC, please do not reach out to me asking for internships in RESL. I do not hold any direct hiring or decision making power. You are best served checking if USC has any tie-ups with your university.