Diuturnity Testbed

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Post Processing
              The post processing tool is used to replay and analyse the testbeds status at any point during the lifetime of the experiment. The snooper nodes provide the input to the post processor in the form of a log file. The post processor converters the log file into the input format required by nam (network animator). This nam file is then given as input to nam to display the flow of packets, as was captured by the snoopers.

Images from the Post Processing Tool:

Image showing the Start of the Post Processing

    The above image displays the four beacon nodes (circular nodes) and Two robomotes (Square nodes) in the network. The above screenshot was taken at the time T=0, i.e. before the animation was started.


Image displays the network in between the replay of the log file

        The  above image displays the status of the network as obsorved by the snoopers at some time during the lifetime of the experiment. The multiple squares of the same color show the movement of the robot on the testbed as observed by the snooper nodes. The large circle (black) shows a packet being broadcast to all neighbours.

End of experiment

                The above images displays the trail followed by the robot as was captured by the snoopers. Notice that the location information on the robots varies significantly between two successive packet transmission times.

This page last updated May 20, 2002 at 5:25pm. contact mediratt@usc.edu