The speakers at this workshop (slides accessible via talk titles):
Dr. Sanjiban Choudhury, Carnegie Mellon University
Data-driven Planning via Imitation Learning Abstract: Robot planning is the process of selecting a sequence of actions to optimize a task-specific objective such as navigation or exploration. The optimal solutions to such tasks are heavily influenced by the distribution of objects in the world, however, current approaches do not exploit this structure in a principled manner. We address the problem of enabling planners to adapt their search strategies by inferring such good actions using only the partial information uncovered by the search. Unfortunately, the training process is slow and may lead to poor local minima. Our key insight is that we can leverage a clairvoyant oracle - an oracle that at train time has full knowledge about the world map and can compute optimal decisions. In this talk, I will talk about an algorithm to train planning policies by imitating a clairvoyant oracle. I will present both simulation and experimental results from two disparate domains - heuristic based planning and information gathering. We show that this training process results in significantly higher performance in comparison to both learning and hand-tuned baselines. Moreover, the technique is quite general and readily applicable to other planning domains. |
Prof. Silvia Ferrari, Cornell University
Information-driven Robot Planning and Control for Active and Mobile Sensing Abstract: Unmanned ground, aerial, and underwater vehicles or robots equipped with on-board wireless sensors are becoming crucial to both civilian and military applications because of their ability to replace or assist humans in carrying out dangerous yet vital missions. In many cases, these robots are deployed for the primary purpose of gathering information from unstructured and uncertain environments and, therefore, must decide future actions intelligently based on the sensor measurements and environmental information. Recent work on information-driven sensor path planning has shown that the performance of these sensors can be significantly improved by planning their paths based on probabilistic sensor models, and on the geometric characteristics of the workspace and of the sensor field-of-view or visibility region. This talk discusses a general framework by which the expected information value of sensor measurements can be described by information theoretic functions in closed form, and, consequently, used to derive path planning and control laws for active sensing and information gathering. Although this framework has been shown highly effective in a variety of active and mobile sensing applications, the ability of engineered systems to solve sensorimotor tasks remains far removed from that exhibited by biological brains. Therefore, this talk also presents research on emerging spiking neural network training techniques aimed at reverse engineering the brain, and, in particular, at modeling sensorimotor learning and control strategies used by biological organisms, such as the Drosophila fly. |
Prof. Geoff Hollinger, Oregon State University
Marine Robotics: Planning, Decision Making, and Human-Robot Learning Abstract: Underwater gliders, propeller-driven submersibles, and other marine robots are increasingly being tasked with gathering information (e.g. in environmental monitoring, offshore inspection, and coastal surveillance scenarios). However, in most of these scenarios, human operators must carefully plan the mission to ensure completion of the task. Strict human oversight not only makes such deployments expensive and time consuming but also makes some tasks impossible due to the requirement for heavy cognitive loads or reliable communication between the operator and the vehicle. We can mitigate these limitations by making the robotic information gatherers semi-autonomous, where the human provides high-level input to the system and the vehicle fills in the details on how to execute the plan. These capabilities increase the tolerance for operator neglect, reduce deployment cost, and open up new domains for information gathering. In this talk, I will show how a general framework that unifies information theoretic optimization and physical motion planning makes semi-autonomous information gathering feasible in marine environments. I will leverage techniques from stochastic motion planning, adaptive decision making, and deep learning to provide scalable solutions in a diverse set of applications such as underwater inspection, ocean search, and ecological monitoring. The techniques discussed here make it possible for autonomous marine robots to “go where no one has gone before,” allowing for information gathering in environments previously outside the reach of human divers. |
Prof. Bryan Kian Hsiang Low, National University of Singapore
Informative Gaussian Process Planning with Lipschitz Continuous Reward Functions: Towards Unifying Adaptive Sampling, Bayesian Optimization, Active Learning, and Beyond Abstract: In this talk, I will present a novel nonmyopic adaptive Gaussian process planning (GPP) framework endowed with a general class of Lipschitz continuous reward functions that can unify some active learning/sensing and Bayesian optimization criteria and offer practitioners some flexibility to specify their desired choices for defining new tasks/problems. In particular, it utilizes a principled Bayesian sequential decision problem framework for jointly and naturally optimizing the exploration-exploitation trade-off. In general, the resulting induced GPP policy cannot be derived exactly due to an uncountable set of candidate observations. A key contribution of our work here thus lies in exploiting the Lipschitz continuity of the reward functions to solve for a nonmyopic adaptive epsilon-optimal GPP (epsilon-GPP) policy. To plan in real time, we further propose an asymptotically optimal, branch-and-bound anytime variant of epsilon-GPP with performance guarantee. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our epsilon-GPP policy and its anytime variant in Bayesian optimization and an energy harvesting task. I will conclude by briefly describing some of our ongoing works in Bayesian optimization. |
Prof. Fabio Ramos, University of Sydney
Bayesian optimisation for decision making in spatial-temporal processes Abstract: Environmental processes are typically characterised by complex dynamics and non-stationary structure that make convenient assumptions about sampling optimisation, such as submodularity, invalid. In this talk I will show a generic formulation for continuous informative sampling in spatial-temporal processes that do not rely on these assumptions. The formulation is non-myopic and equivalent to solving a continuous Partially Observable Markov Decision Process where the goal is to minimise predictive error. We then solve the POMDP with a sequential version of Bayesian optimisation that incorporates Monte-Carlo Tree Search to reason over multiple time-steps ahead. Experiments in simulation and with real robots illustrate the benefits of the approach. |
Dr. John Ryan and Dr. Yanwu Zhang, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Oceanographic Feature Recognition and Response with AUVs Abstract: Studies of marine ecological phenomena are enhanced by autonomous capabilities. A pivotal capability is feature recognition using onboard sensor data and algorithms, which enables AUVs to detect unpredictable encounters with phenomena of interest. Feature recognition may in turn trigger other autonomous capabilities that support focal data collection, such as path planning to optimize feature mapping and tracking, and targeted acquisition of physical samples. Acquisition of physical samples creates an additional branch in autonomy – to process sampled material onboard the vehicle for near-real-time results that inform subsequent actions, or to preserve and store sampled material for shore-side analyses. The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) has developed vehicles and instruments to advance such capabilities in marine ecological research. Our development of autonomous feature recognition, mapping, tracking and sampling capabilities has focused on phenomena such as frontal systems, biological hotspots, and sediment plumes. Development of onboard preservation and processing of physical samples is advancing through the third generation Environmental Sample Processor (3G ESP), a miniaturized autonomous laboratory carried by a long-range AUV (LRAUV). In addition to supporting a spectrum of autonomous capabilities, the LRAUV platform enables the temporal persistence and spatial reach required to study processes in dynamic marine habitats. On behalf of the greater MBARI team, Ryan and Zhang will highlight these technologies and their applications in coastal and open ocean environments. |