The information on this page applies to my time as a PhD student at USC between 2010 and 2017. Please visit my current webpage or my Google Scholar page for a recent list of publications.
Publications, 2010-2017
Full Conference Papers
Swift-Spong K, Short E, Matarić M J. Effects of Comparative Feedback from a Socially Assistive Robot on Self-Efficacy in Post-Stroke Rehabilitation. International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR). Singapore, Singapore. (2015).Short E, Swift-Spong K, Jillian Greczek J, Ramachandran A, Litoiu A, Grigore E C, Feil-Seifer D J, Shuster S, Lee J J, Huang S, Levonisova S, Litz S, Li J, Ragusa G, Spruijt-Metz D, Matarić M J, Scassellati B. How to Train Your DragonBot: Socially Assistive Robots for Teaching Children About Nutrition Through Play. The 23rd IEEE Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN '14). Edinburgh, UK. (2014):924-929.
Short E, Hart J, Vu M, Scassellati B. No Fair!! An Interaction with a Cheating Robot. The 5th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. (2010):219-226. [Best Paper Finalist]
Kast J, Neuhaus J, Nickel F, Kenngott H, Engel M, Short E, Reiter M, Meinzer H-P, Maier-Hein L Der Telemanipulator daVinci als mechanisches Trackingsystem. Proceedings of the 2009 Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin. (2009):92-96.
Workshops, Poster Papers, and Abstracts
Short E, Matarić M. Socially Assistive Robot Moderators: Validation and Future Directions. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Doctoral Consortium. New York, NY. (2016).
Short E, Sittig-Boyd K, Matarić M.Modeling Moderation for Multi-Party Socially Assistive Robotics. 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN '16). New York, NY. (2016).
Short E, Matarić M.Towards Autonomous Moderation of an Assembly Game. Workshop on Group Human-Robot Interaction, RO-MAN '16. New York, NY. (2016).
Short E, Matarić M. Multi-Party Socially Assistive Robotics: Defining the Moderator Role. RSS Women in Robotics Workshop. Rome, Italy. (2015).
Short E,Matarić M. Towards Robot Moderators: Understanding Goal-Directed Multi-Party Interactions. AAAI Fall Symposium on Human-Robot Interaction. Arlington, VA. (2015).
Short E,Matarić M. Understanding Interaction Dynamics in Socially Assistive Robotics with Children with ASD. International Meeting for Autism Research. Salt Lake City, UT. (2015).
Swift-Spong K, Short E, Matarić M J. Effects of Comparative Feedback from a Socially Assistive Robot on Self-Efficacy in Post-Stroke Rehabilitation. ICRA 2015 Workshop on Rehabilitation Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction. Seattle, WA. (2015).
Short E, Matarić M. Interaction Between Children with ASDs and a Socially Assistive Robot: A Preliminary Analysis. IEEE/RSJ IROS 2014 Workshop: Assistive Robotics for Individuals with Disabilities: HRI Issues & Beyond. Chicago, IL. (2014).
Greczek J, Short E, Clabaugh C E, Swift-Spong K, Matarić M. Socially Assistive Robotics for Personalized Education for Children AAAI Fall Symposium on Human-Robot Interaction. Arlington, VA. (2014).
Short E, Feil-Seifer D, Matarić M. A Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Modeling Human-Robot Interaction with Children with Autism. The 6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. Osaka, Japan. (2010):251-252.
Kim, E.S., Leyzberg D, Short E, Paul R, Scassellati B. Rich Spontaneous, Social Engagement with a Dinosaur Robot. International Meeting for Autism Research. Chicago, IL. (2009). Available.