Boyoon Jung's Library Manual

bj::IndependentStereo Class Reference
[Camera Device]

A convenient way to access two independent cameras like a stereo head. More...

#include <independent_stereo.h>

Inherits bj::Stereo.

Inheritance diagram for bj::IndependentStereo:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for bj::IndependentStereo:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 IndependentStereo (Camera *left, Camera *right, bool release=false)
 A constructor.
 ~IndependentStereo (void)
 A destructor.
bool capture (unsigned char *&left, unsigned char *&right, bool pnmformat=false, bool copy=false)
 Capture a pair of images.
bool capture (IplImage *left, IplImage *right)
 Capture a pair of images, and store them in IplImage format.
int width (void)
 Query the width of input images.
int height (void)
 Query the height of input images.
int layers (void)
 Query the color depth of input images.
stereo_t type (void)
 Query the stereo camera type.
CameraleftCamera (void)
 Retrieve the left camera.
CamerarightCamera (void)
 Retrieve the right camera.

Detailed Description

A convenient way to access two independent cameras like a stereo head.

IndependentStereo class provides a convenient way to use two independent cameras like a stereo head. It does not perform any calibration operation. All it does is to return a pair of images directly grabbed from each camera.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

bj::IndependentStereo::IndependentStereo Camera left,
Camera right,
bool  release = false

A constructor.

left A left camera.
right A right camera.
release Should it delete camera objects on exit ?

bj::IndependentStereo::~IndependentStereo void   )  [inline]

A destructor.

Member Function Documentation

bool bj::IndependentStereo::capture IplImage *  left,
IplImage *  right
[inline, virtual]

Capture a pair of images, and store them in IplImage format.

[out] left The pointer of an IplImage structure for a left image.
[out] right The pointer of an IplImage structure for a right image.
True on success. False when an error occured.

Implements bj::Stereo.

bool bj::IndependentStereo::capture unsigned char *&  left,
unsigned char *&  right,
bool  pnmformat = false,
bool  copy = false
[inline, virtual]

Capture a pair of images.

[out] left The pointer of a memory block that contains a left image.
[out] right The pointer of a memory block that contains a right image.
pnmformat A captured image format. If true, it returns a PNM image. Otherwise, it returns pixel data only in BGR or gray-scale format.
copy A memory allocation scheme. If true, the function allocate a new memory block to store an image. A user is responsible for releasing the memory block later. Otherwise, it returns an internal memory block, which is not suppposed to be freed by a user.
The pointer of a memory block that contains a captured image.

Implements bj::Stereo.

int bj::IndependentStereo::height void   )  [inline, virtual]

Query the height of input images.

Implements bj::Stereo.

int bj::IndependentStereo::layers void   )  [inline, virtual]

Query the color depth of input images.

This is the color depth of final (possibly converted) images. If a user requests a gray-scale image and the capture device supports only a color image, then a captured color image is converted internally into a gray-scale image. In this case, the return value of the function is 1, not 3.

Implements bj::Stereo.

Camera* bj::IndependentStereo::leftCamera void   )  [inline]

Retrieve the left camera.

Camera* bj::IndependentStereo::rightCamera void   )  [inline]

Retrieve the right camera.

stereo_t bj::IndependentStereo::type void   )  [inline, virtual]

Query the stereo camera type.

Implements bj::Stereo.

int bj::IndependentStereo::width void   )  [inline, virtual]

Query the width of input images.

Implements bj::Stereo.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

BjLib Manual
MicroStrain IMU
Particle Filter

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  Last update on 03/17/2005 23:19:40.