The USC Autonomous Flying Vehicle Project was initiated in 1991. Since then, the Robotic Embedded Systems Laboratory has designed, built and conducted research with four robot helicopters, the most recent and advanced being the 3rd generation AVATAR (Autonomous Vehicle Aerial Tracking And Reconnaissance) shown here.
Since the beginning of the project, a guiding design philosophy has been to create flying robots with very high levels of autonomy. Initially, the focus of our research was on creating a reliable controller for a model helicopter. Once that had been achieved, we focused on performing higher-level tasks with the helicopter. In addition to stable autonomous flight, we are now able to perform tasks such as waypoint navigation, autonomous vision-based landing, autonomous sensor deployment, vision-based 3D obstacle avoidance and GPS-free visual-inertial navigation. More recently, we have pursued research in areas such as sensor deployment on a moving target, stealthy target pursuit, terrain mapping and autonomous science data acquisition.