Publication Detail
OCRdroid: A Framework to Digitize Text Using Mobile Phones
Anand D. Joshi, Mi Zhang, Ritesh Kadmawala, Karthik Dantu, Sameera Poduri and Gaurav S. Sukhatme
OCRdroid: A Framework to Digitize Text Using Mobile Phones". To appear in Rebecca Montanari and Petros Zerfos (eds.), ICST International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services (MobiCASE), 1 Oct 2009. ICST.
. "Abstract
As demand grows for mobile phone applications, research in optical character recognition, a technology well developed for scanned documents, is shifting focus to the recognition of text embedded in digital photographs. In this paper, we present OCRdroid, a generic framework for developing OCR-based applications on mobile phones. OCRdroid combines a light-weight image preprocessing suite installed inside the mobile phone and an OCR engine connected to a backend server. We demonstrate the power and functionality of this framework by implementing two applications called PocketPal and PocketReader based on OCRdroid on HTC Android G1 mobile phone. Initial evaluations of these pilot experiments demonstrate the potential of using OCRdroid framework for real-world OCR-based mobile applications.
mobile phones, optical character recognition, android, G-1, image processing