Publication Detail

Detecting Moving Objects using a Single Camera on a Mobile Robot in an Outdoor Environment

Boyoon Jung and Gaurav S. Sukhatme


Boyoon Jung and Gaurav S. Sukhatme. "Detecting Moving Objects using a Single Camera on a Mobile Robot in an Outdoor Environment". In International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS), 980-987, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Mar 2004.


Robust detection of moving objects from a mobile robot is required for safe outdoor navigation, but is not easily achievable since there are two motions involved: the motions of moving objects and the motion of the sensors used to detect the objects. We have experimented with a probabilistic approach for moving object detection from a mobile robot using a single camera in outdoor environments. The ego-motion of the camera is compensated using corresponding feature sets and outlier detection, and the positions of moving objects are estimated using an adaptive particle filter and EM algorithm. The algorithms are implemented and tested on three different robot platforms (robotic helicopter, Segway RMP, and Pioneer2 AT) in an outdoor environment, and the detection results are analyzed.


target tracking vision


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