Publication Detail

Learning Equality Constraints for Motion Planning on Manifolds

Giovanni Sutanto, Isabel M. Rayas Fernández, Peter Englert, Ragesh K. Ramachandran and Gaurav S. Sukhatme


Giovanni Sutanto, Isabel M. Rayas Fernández, Peter Englert, Ragesh K. Ramachandran and Gaurav S. Sukhatme. "Learning Equality Constraints for Motion Planning on Manifolds". In Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), Nov 2020.


Constrained robot motion planning is a widely used technique to solve complex robot tasks. We consider the problem of learning representations of constraints from demonstrations with a deep neural network, which we call Equality Constraint Manifold Neural Network (ECoMaNN). The key idea is to learn a level-set function of the constraint suitable for integration into a constrained sampling-based motion planner. Learning proceeds by aligning subspaces in the network with subspaces of the data. We combine both learned constraints and analytically described constraints into the planner and use a projection-based strategy to find valid points. We evaluate ECoMaNN on its representation capabilities of constraint manifolds, the impact of its individual loss terms, and the motions produced when incorporated into a planner.


manifold learning, motion planning, learning from demonstration

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