Giovanni Sutanto

Giovanni Sutanto
I completed my Ph.D. in Computer Science - Robotics, at the University of Southern California (USC) and Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS). Previously I earned my Master of Science (M.S.) Degree in Computer Science - Intelligent Robotics at USC in May 2015, and Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering - Control Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia in June 2010.
In short, I am very passionate about Robotics. I have worked with a broad spectrum of robot hardware as well as its integration with a variety of software components. I am a full-stack roboticist: having worked with high-level software components (differentiable programming with TensorFlow and PyTorch, e.g. for a (global) manifold learning representation that enforces the alignment of the (local) tangent spaces and normal spaces with the information extracted from the Local Principal Component Analysis (Local PCA) of the data, a differentiable Newton-Euler algorithm which satisfies physical constraints, latent space dynamics model learning for tactile servoing and sensory feedback-driven reactive motion planning model learning), simulations and visualizations (e.g. in Robot Operating Systems (ROS)'s RVIZ), down to the software-hardware integration including (hard) real-time control systems (e.g. with Xenomai). Evidences of these can be seen in my research page.
I am a member of Autonomous Motion Department of Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (MPI-IS), Robotic Embedded Systems Laboratory (RESL), and Computational Learning and Motor Control (CLMC) Laboratory at USC, under the guidance of Professor Gaurav Sukhatme and Stefan Schaal, working on the research topic "Leveraging Structure for Learning Robot Control and Reactive Motion Planning". I am also deeply interested in utilizing tools from Differential Geometry in combination with Machine Learning for Control in Robotics.
In the past, I have done a research internship at NVIDIA Robotics, Seattle, WA, USA in Summer 2018 --under the supervision of Dr. Nathan Ratliff, Dr. Ankur Handa, and Professor Dieter Fox-- and a research internship at Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR), Menlo Park, CA, USA in Fall 2019 --under the supervision of Dr. Franziska Meier--. Previously, in CLMC Lab I also have worked on research about Haptic Interface, Contact Dynamics Model, and Human Motor Learning (Neuroscience) experiments with Sarcos MasterArm Robot (an exoskeleton robot arm). Prior to joining CLMC Lab, I was working on "Vision-Guided Reconfiguration on Modular Robots" research at USC's Polymorphic Robotics Laboratory (PRL), under the direction of Professor Wei-Min Shen. At USC, beside of academic activities, I took the responsibility as the Professional Involvement Chair for academic year 2014-2015 of USC's Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Student Branch; my mission was to promote students' awareness of the wide-spread impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in improving human life, and to help the students passionate in AI to find the career that they aspire. Prior to studying at USC, I was working as a Robotics Engineer in Indonesia for about 2.5 years. I am visioning myself as a Robotics Scientist in the future.
Please refer to my CV/Resume, Google Scholar, MPI-IS webpage, RESL lab webpage, CLMC lab webpage, LinkedIn profile, and GitHub to know more about me.
Publications at RESL:
Journal Papers
- Supervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning of Feedback Models for Reactive Behaviors: Tactile Feedback Testbed". Submitted to International Journal of Robotics Research, Jul 2020. (Details) . "
Conference Papers
- Learning Equality Constraints for Motion Planning on Manifolds". In Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), Nov 2020. (.pdf) (Details) . "
- Learning Manifolds for Sequential Motion Planning". In RSS Workshop on Learning (in) Task and Motion Planning , Jul 2020. (Details) . "
- Encoding Physical Constraints in Differentiable Newton-Euler Algorithm". In 2nd Annual Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control, 2020 (L4DC 2020), Jun 2020. (Details) . "
Ph.D. Thesis'
- Leveraging Structure for Learning Robot Control and Reactive Planning". USC, Aug 2020. (Details) . "
Conference Papers
- Learning Latent Space Dynamics for Tactile Servoing". In 2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3622-3628, May 2019. (Details) . "
Conference Papers
- Learning Sensor Feedback Models from Demonstrations via Phase-Modulated Neural Networks". In 2018 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) , 1142-1149, May 2018. (Details) . "
Conference Papers
- Learning Feedback Terms for Reactive Planning and Control". In 2017 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017), 2184-2191, May 2017. (Details) . "