Marc Pomplun


Marc Pomplun and Maja J. Matarić. "A Segmentation Algorithm For the Comparison Of Human Limb Trajectories". Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems, IRIS-02-410, 2002. (.ps)(Details)
Marc Pomplun and Maja J. Matarić. "A Segmentation Algorithm For the Comparison of Human Limb Trajectories". Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems, IRIS-02-410, Dec 2001. (.pdf)(Details)
Marc Pomplun and Maja J. Matarić. "Evaluation Metrics and Results of Human Arm Movement Imitation". In Proceedings of the IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robotics (Humanoids), MIT, Cambridge, MA, Sep 2000. (.pdf)(Details)
Marc Pomplun and Maja J. Matarić. "Evaluation Metrics and Results of Human Arm Movement Imitation". Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems, IRIS-00-384, 2000. (Details)
Maja J. Matarić and Marc Pomplun. "Fixation Behavior in Observation and Imitation of Human Movement". In Cognitive Brain Research, 7(2):191-202, 1998. (.gz)(Details)