Robert Sekuler


Dylan A. Shell, Shivakumar Viswanathan, Jing Huang, Rumi Ghosh, Jie Huang, Maja J. Matarić, Kristina Lerman and Robert Sekuler. "Spatial Behavior of Individuals and Groups: Preliminary Findings from a Museum Scenario". In IEEE/RSJ IROS 2007 Workshop: From Sensors to Human Spatial Concepts (FS2HSC), San Diego, CA, Nov 2007. (.pdf)(Details)
Shelia R. Cooke, Brendan Kitts, Robert Sekuler and Maja J. Matarić. "Delayed and Real-Time Imitation of Complex Visual Gestures". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Vision, Recognition, Action , Boston University, May 1997. Neural Models of Mind and Machine. (Details)
Brendan Kitts, Shelia R. Cooke, Maja J. Matarić and Robert Sekuler. "Improved Pattern Recognition by Combining Invariance Methods''". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Vision, Recognition, Action , Boston University, May 1997. (Details)