Publication Details

Ryan N. Smith, Mac Schwager, Stephen L. Smith, Burton H. Jones, Daniela Rus and Gaurav S. Sukhatme. "Persistent Ocean Monitoring with Underwater Gliders: Adapting Spatiotemporal Sampling Resolution". In Journal of Field Robotics, 28(5):714-741, Sep 2011. (.pdf)


Ocean processes are dynamic, complex, and occur on multiple spatial and temporal scales. To obtain a synoptic view of such processes, ocean scientists collect data over long time periods. Historically, measurements were continually provided by fixed sensors, \eg moorings, or gathered from ships. Recently, an increase in the utilization of autonomous underwater vehicles has enabled a more dynamic data acquisition approach. However, we still do not utilize the full capabilities of these vehicles. Here we present algorithms that produce persistent monitoring missions for underwater vehicles by balancing path following accuracy and information gain for a given region of interest, which addresses a pressing need among ocean scientists to efficiently and effectively collect high-value data. More specifically, this paper proposes a path planning algorithm and a speed control algorithm for underwater gliders, which together give informative trajectories for the glider to persistently monitor a patch of ocean. We optimize a cost function that blends two competing factors: maximize the information value along the path, while minimizing deviation from the planned path due to ocean currents. Speed is controlled along the planned path by adjusting the pitch angle of the underwater glider, so that higher resolution samples are collected in areas of higher information value. The resulting paths are closed circuits that can be repeatedly traversed to collect long-term ocean data in dynamic environments. The algorithms were tested during sea trials on an underwater glider operating off the coast of southern California, as well as in Monterey Bay, California. The experimental results show significant improvements in data resolution and path reliability compared to previously executed sampling paths used in the respective regions.


Persistent monitoring, path planning, ocean model, AUV

HTML Reference:
<span class="author">Ryan N. Smith, Mac Schwager, Stephen L. Smith, Burton H. Jones, Daniela Rus and Gaurav S. Sukhatme</span>. "<span class="title">Persistent Ocean Monitoring with Underwater Gliders: Adapting Spatiotemporal Sampling Resolution</span>". <span class="pub_status">In</span> <span class="journal">Journal of Field Robotics</span>, <span class="volume">28</span><span class="number">(5)</span>:<span class="pages">714-741</span>, <span class="month">Sep</span> <span class="year">2011</span>.
Bibtex Reference:
	author = "Ryan N. Smith, Mac Schwager, Stephen L. Smith, Burton H. Jones, Daniela Rus and Gaurav S. Sukhatme",
	title = "Persistent Ocean Monitoring with Underwater Gliders: Adapting Spatiotemporal Sampling Resolution",
	journal = "Journal of Field Robotics",
	volume = "28",
	number = "5",
	pages = "714-741",
	month = "Sep",
	year = "2011",
	url = ""
Affiliated Labs:

Distributed Robotics Laboratory
GRASP Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania
Robotic Embedded Systems Laboratory
usCLAB, Department of Biological Sciences

Author Details:

Name:Ryan N. Smith
Address:2 George Street, Gardens Point Campus S Block Level 11, 1108 Brisbane, QLD 4000 AUSTRALIA

Name:Mac Schwager

Name:Stephen L. Smith

Name:Burton H. Jones

Name:Daniela Rus

Name:Gaurav S. Sukhatme

Funding Details:

Grant Description:NOAA MERHAB (NA05NOS4781228)
Funding Agency:National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
Contract Number:NA05NOS4781228
Grant Description:National Science Foundation (CCR-0120778)
Funding Agency:National Science Foundation
Contract Number:CCR-0120778
Grant Description:National Scince Foundation (CNS-0520305)
Funding Agency:National Science Foundation
Contract Number:CNS-0520305
Grant Description:National Science Foundation (CNS-0540420)
Funding Agency:National Science Foundation
Contract Number:CNS-0540420
Grant Description:Office of Naval Research (N00014-08-1-0693)
Funding Agency:Office of Naval Research
Contract Number:N00014-08-1-0693