Publication Details

Mohammad H. Rahimi, Richard Pon, William Kaiser, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Deborah Estrin and Mani Srivastava. "Adaptive Sampling for Environmental Robotics". In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3537-3544, 2004. (.pdf)


The capabilities and distributed nature of networked sensors are uniquely suited to the characterization of distributed phenomena in the natural environment. However, environmental characterization by fixed distributed sensors encounters challenges in complex environments. In this paper we describe Networked Infomechanical Systems (NIMS), a new distributed, robotic sensor methodology developed for applications including characterization of environmental structure and phenomena. NIMS exploits deployed infrastructure that provides the benefits of precise motion, aerial suspension, and low energy sustainable operations in complex environments. NIMS nodes may explore a three-dimensional environment and enable the deployment of sensor nodes at diverse locations and viewing perspectives. NIMS characterization of phenomena in a three dimensional space must now consider the selection of sensor sampling points in both time and space. Thus, we introduce a new approach of mobile node adaptive sampling with the objective of minimizing error between the actual and reconstructed spatiotemporal behavior of environmental variables while minimizing required motion. In this approach, the NIMS node first explores as an agent, gathering a statistical description of phenomena using a nested stratified random sampling approach. By iteratively increasing sampling resolution, guided adaptively by the measurement results themselves, this NIMS sampling enables reconstruction of phenomena with a systematic method for balancing accuracy with sampling resource cost in time and motion. This adaptive sampling method is described analytically and also tested with simulated environmental data. Experimental evaluations of adaptive sampling algorithms have also been completed. Specifically, NIMS experimental systems have been developed for monitoring of spatiotemporal variation of atmospheric climate phenomena. A NIMS system has been deployed at a field biology station to map phenomena in a 50m width and 50m span transect in a forest environment. In addition, deployments have occurred in testbed environments allowing additional detailed characterization of sampling algorithms. Environmental variable mapping of temperature, humidity, and solar illumination have been acquired and used to evaluate the adaptive sampling methods reported here. These new methods have been shown to provide a significant advance for efficient mapping of spatially distributed phenomena by NIMS environmental robotics.


Networked Infomechanical Systems(NIMS); Environmental Robotics, Sensor Networks; Adaptive Sampling; Statistics and Geostatistics.

HTML Reference:
<span class="author">Mohammad H. Rahimi, Richard Pon, William Kaiser, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Deborah Estrin and Mani Srivastava</span>. "<span class="title">Adaptive Sampling for Environmental Robotics</span>". <span class="pub_status">In</span> <span class="booktitle">IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation</span> <span class="booktitle">(ICRA)</span>, <span class="pages">3537-3544</span>, <span class="month"></span> <span class="year">2004</span>.
Bibtex Reference:
	author = "Mohammad H. Rahimi, Richard Pon, William Kaiser, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Deborah Estrin and Mani Srivastava",
	title = "Adaptive Sampling for Environmental Robotics",
	booktitle = "International Conference on Robotics and Automation",
	pages = "3537-3544",
	year = "2004",
	url = ""
Affiliated Labs:

Robotic Embedded Systems Laboratory

Author Details:

Name:Mohammad H. Rahimi

Name:Richard Pon

Name:William Kaiser

Name:Gaurav S. Sukhatme

Name:Deborah Estrin

Name:Mani Srivastava

Funding Details:

Grant Description:National Science Foundation (CCR-0120778)
Funding Agency:National Science Foundation
Contract Number:CCR-0120778