Publication Details

Denis F. Wolf and Gaurav S. Sukhatme. "Towards Mapping Dynamic Environments". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 594-600, Jun 2003. (.pdf)


We propose an algorithm for mapping dynamic environments. Our algorithm creates a representation of the environment where objects move over time. Our approach is based on maintaining two occupancy grids in parallel. One grid models the static parts of the environment, and the other models the dynamic parts of the environment. The union of the two provides a complete description of the environment over time. We also apply a size-based classifier to the cells in the dynamic map, to detect and track moving objects. Results in simulation and with physical robots show a reasonable rate of detection of moving objects.


Mapping, Dynamic Environments, Occupancy Grids

HTML Reference:
<span class="author">Denis F. Wolf and Gaurav S. Sukhatme</span>. "<span class="title">Towards Mapping Dynamic Environments</span>". <span class="pub_status">In</span> <span class="booktitle">Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Robotics</span> <span class="booktitle">(ICAR)</span>, <span class="pages">594-600</span>, <span class="month">Jun</span> <span class="year">2003</span>.
Bibtex Reference:
	author = "Denis F. Wolf and Gaurav S. Sukhatme",
	title = "Towards Mapping Dynamic Environments",
	booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Robotics",
	pages = "594-600",
	month = "Jun",
	year = "2003",
	url = ""
Affiliated Labs:

Robotic Embedded Systems Laboratory

Author Details:

Name:Denis F. Wolf
Position:PhD Student

Name:Gaurav S. Sukhatme

Funding Details:

Grant Description:CAPES-Brazil (1072/01-3)
Funding Agency:CAPES-Brazil
Contract Number:1072/01-3
Grant Description:Office of Naval Research (DURIP N00014-00-1-0638)
Funding Agency:Office of Naval Research
Contract Number:DURIP N00014-00-1-0638