Publication Details

M A. Lewis. "AVF-II: Robotic Aerial Platform for Autonomous Robot Research". In Proceedings of the Annual National Symposium on Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle Systems , 1994.

HTML Reference:
<span class="author">M A. Lewis</span>. "<span class="title">AVF-II: Robotic Aerial Platform for Autonomous Robot Research</span>". <span class="pub_status">In</span> <span class="booktitle">Proceedings of the Annual National Symposium on Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle Systems</span> , <span class="month"></span> <span class="year">1994</span>.
Bibtex Reference:
	author = "M A. Lewis",
	title = "AVF-II: Robotic Aerial Platform for Autonomous Robot Research",
	booktitle = "Proceedings of the Annual National Symposium on Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle Systems",
	year = "1994",
	url = ""
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Author Details:

Name:M A. Lewis