Hopper Project

Last Updated: 1-22-02


Hopper Simulation - hopping in place, sitting, and standing


The main goal of the project is to build a one-legged hopping robot that carries its computation and power source (mechanical and electrical) on-board. The robot is designed to be capable of dynamically stable motion without external support.

Secondary objectives include layering additional behaviors on top of the basic hopping behavior. These behaviors will allow the robot to hop up and down inclined planes, to stop hopping and sit down, to start back up again, and to lean against a wall or in a corner.

Presentations and Posters

CS547 Class Presentation - November 29, 2000

Motor and Locomotion Control Meeting - October 23, 2000

CLAWAR Poster (unpublished) - October 2001


Construction of the frame is complete. The sensors and PC-104 stack need to be mounted.

Click here for a high-res photo.


Kale Harbick - control software, electronics, pneumatics
Dan Nies - GUI and device driver software
Mike Poole - mechanical design and construction
Zach Turner - device driver software


Mohammad Rahimi for designing the foot sensor circuitry.
C-Sensors for donating the foot sensor.
Software used in these simulations: Vortex developed by CM Labs.

Videos of hoppers at other labs

MIT's 3D hopper
McGill University's Monopod 2