Gaurav Sukhatme (gaurav@usc.edu) University of Southern Califiornia | Kanna Rajan (kanna.rajan@mbari.org) Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) |
To present a talk or poster at the workshop please contact the organizers.
This half day workshop at
RSS 2009
will bring together researchers in several disciplines: aquatic
robotics (both underwater and surface systems), communications science
and technology, physical oceanography, biological oceanography, and
marine microbiology. The primary goal of the workshop is to make
bridges between these communities by sharing recent advances and
discussing future needs.
The workshop features technical talks by experts in the areas of
underwater robotic systems, autonomous surface vehicles, networked and
multi-robot systems in the aquatic domain, as well experts in physical
and biological oceanography, and aspects of marine microbiology.
Tentative Schedule: Half day workshop (Monday, June 29, 2009)
Gregory Dudek
Robot human team work for reef survey and mapping.
Data collection underwater, even is
relatively shallow water (under 30m) is demanding, time consuming and
dangerous. By using an underwater to assist a human biologist, several
advantages in both accuracy of the recovered data and safety for the
human should be possible. We will discuss ongoing work based on using a
small swimming robot as a data collection for a human biologist. The
presentation will briefly consider the vehicle design and dynamics, and
then address how a human operator can interact with the vehicle for
data collection tasks. The primary mode of human-robot
interaction in this context is via a visual language designed for this
task. The is augmented by a selection of pre-planned behaviors targeted for this environment.
Kanna RajanDeliberative Autonomy for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
robotic platforms are becoming more persistent in the ocean, they
will need to be contextually aware and respond rapidly to evolving
phenomenon of scientific interest. This is especially true in coastal
waters due to the diversity of atmospheric, oceanographic and land-sea
interactions not to mention the societal impact such phenomenon have on
coastal communities. Robots will need to respond by exhibiting
scientific opportunism while being aware of their own limitations in
the harsh near-shore environment. Current robotic platforms however
have inherent limitations; pre-defined sequences of commands are used
to determine what actions the robot will perform and when irrespective
of the context. As a consequence not only can the robot not recover
from unforeseen failure conditions, but they’re unable to significantly
leverage their substantial onboard assets to enable scientific
mitigate such shortcomings, we are developing deliberative techniques
to dynamically command Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV). Our effort
is aimed to use a blend of generative and deliberative Artificial
Intelligence Planning and Execution techniques to shed goals,
introspectively analyze onboard resources and recover from failures. In
addition we are working on Machine Learning techniques to adaptively
trigger science instruments that will contextually sample the seas
driven by scientific intent. The end goal is towards unstructured
exploration of the subsea environments that are a rich trove of
problems for autonomous systems. And to build computational
infrastructure which is generic across differing domains. Our work is a
continuum of efforts from research at NASA to command deep space probes
and Mars rovers, the lessons of which we have factored into the oceanic
Daniel StilwellControl and data fusion for AUV teams:
Theory and experimentsReliable subsea communication
is the principal technical challenge that limits the utility of subsea
mobile sensor networks. The subsea communication channel is extremely
low bandwidth and suffers from latencies and frequent dropouts.
At Virginia Tech, we are developing and deploying a new class
of decentralized control algorithms that enable autonomous underwater
vehicles to cooperate despite infrequent communication between vehicles.
In this talk we describe the practical challenges of subsea operations,
and we describe our approach to analysis and design of distributed data
fusion and decentralized control that addresses these challenges.
We also discuss advances in stochastic graph theory that enable us to
model the sparse, time-varying network topology available underwater
in a manner suitable for control design. The practical utility
of our approach has been verified during field trials in which a team
of autonomous underwater vehicles cooperatively localized the source
of an acoustic signal.
Kristi Morgansen
Bioinspired underwater vehicle systems
locomotion and propulsion for underwater vehicles provide rich
applications for the development of control methods for nonlinear
systems and underactuated mechanical systems. In the work here, the
tasks of modeling and control for agile gait generation for robots
built with fin propulsive and maneuvering surfaces are considered.
Previous work for such bioinspired devices has shown that simplified
models with quasistatic lift and drag can be used to construct
trajectory tracking controls for forward and turning motions that
strongly resemble biomimetic motions. Here we will evaluate the
use of such models for agile maneuverability by comparing biomimetic
fast start and snap turn data from experiment with simulation data from
the model.
Beyond single-vehicle applications, a number of current science
applications indicate the need for operation of multivehicle groups
composed of different types of vehicles operating in different media
(air, water, space). Recent work in coordinated control of
vehicle systems has shown that earlier studies in mathematics, physics,
and chemistry with models of interconnected oscillators can be used to
construct controls for coordinated vehicles. Additionally these
oscillator models have been demonstrated to have direct connection to
Frenet-Serret models of dynamics for nonholonomic systems (e.g. ground
vehicles, fixed-wing aircraft, and underwater vehicles). The work
presented here will address the construction of controls for
oscilator-based analysis that allow a group of vehicles to track a
moving target. Further, when these models are considered in a discrete
time setting, effects of intermittent, dynamic and asynchronous
communication can be incorporated into the dynamics. Stability
bounds for particular group modes of behavior (identical heading or
common point of rotation) can then be determined in the context of
limited communication. Results are demonstrated in simulation and
experiment with applications drawn from the engineering contexts of
autonomous air and underwater vehicles as well as the biological
context of schooling fish.
Bryan Kian Hsiang Low
Information-Theoretic Approach to Efficient Adaptive Path Planning for Mobile Robotic Environmental Sensing
Abstract: Recent research in robot exploration and mapping has focused
on sampling environmental hotspot fields. This exploration task is
formalized by Low, Dolan, and Khosla (2008) in a sequential
decision-theoretic planning under uncertainty framework called MAXP.
The time complexity of solving MAXP approximately depends on the map
resolution, which limits its use in large-scale, high-resolution
exploration and mapping. To alleviate this computational difficulty, we
present an information-theoretic approach to MAXP (iMAXP) for efficient
adaptive path planning; by reformulating the cost-minimizing iMAXP as a
reward-maximizing problem, its time complexity becomes independent of
map resolution and is less sensitive to increasing robot team size as
demonstrated both theoretically and empirically. Using the
reward-maximizing dual, we derive a novel adaptive variant of maximum
entropy sampling, thus improving the induced exploration policy
performance. We show analytically and empirically the superior
performance of iMAXP-based policies for sampling the log-Gaussian
process to that of policies for the widely-used Gaussian process in
mapping the hotspot field. Lastly, we provide sufficient and necessary
conditions that, when met, guarantee adaptivity has no benefit.
John Leonard:
AUV Mapping and Navigation for Mine Countermeasures and Ship Hull
This talk will provide an overview of two projects that are applying
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) to develop improved
navigation capabilities for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs).
In the first part of the talk, we will describe a system for
reacquisition of previously mapped targets using a low-cost expendable
vehicle. The system incorporates a number of recent state-of-the-art
SLAM techniques such as square root filtering and joint probabilistic
data association, combined with novel techniques to deal with
challenging underwater sonar data. In the second part of the talk, we
will describe an effort to perform autonomous ship hull inspection
using the Hovering Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (HAUV).
Joint work with: John Folkesson, Franz Hover, Michael Kaess, Brendan
Englot, Hordur Johannson, Jacques Leedekerken, and Andrew Patrikalakis
Adaptive Multi-Robot Wide-Area Exploration and Mapping
Authors: Kian Hsiang Low, John M. Dolan, and Pradeep Khosla.
Robot Sensor Boats for Surface Water Quality Assessment
Authors: Gregg Podnar, Ilhwang Cha, Matt
Felser, Alan Guisewite, Vinay Gunasekaran, Kian Hsiang
Low, David Schlesinger, Stephen Stancliff, Robert Waaser,
and John M. Dolan
Trajectory Design and Implementation for Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Based on Ocean Model Predictions Authors:
Ryan Smith, Jnaneshwar Das, Hordur Heidarsson, Arvind Pereira, Yi Chao,
Ivona Cetinic, Carl Oberg, Matthew Ragan, Burton Jones, David Caron,
and Gaurav Sukhatme
Networked Robotic Sensor Platform Deployments for use in Coastal Environmental Assessment in Southern California Authors:
Arvind Pereira, Jnaneshwar Das, Hordur Heidarsson, Ryan Smith, Beth
Stauffer, Erica Seubert, Marie-Ăve Garneau, Meredith Howard, Lindsay
Darjany, Carl Oberg, Ivona Cetinic, Matthew Ragan, Ellen Smith, Gerardo
Toro-Farmer, Filippo Arrichiello, David Caron, Astrid Schnetzer, Burton
Jones, and Gaurav Sukhatme
Searching and Identification of Submerged Marine Targets Using Simply Equipped Autonomous AgentsAuthor: Christopher Lum
Centralized and Distributed Control of a School of Robotic Fish using a Vision SystemAuthors: Emmett Lalish and Jae Dong Hwang