
My name is Hongyi Xia, and I am a rising senior majoring in Aersopace Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park. During the summer of 2013, I worked in Dr. Maja Mataric's Interaction Lab as part of the Viterbi School's SURE Program at the University of Southern California.

I worked with Katelyn Swift-Pong to develop exercises for the NAO robot which will play the role of an exercise buddy for children. The project is part of a larger study examining the effects of an obesity intervention program in which the NAO will exercise with kids ages 11-14.

Research Experience

Spring 2013

As part of the Aerospace Honors Program, my research culminated in paper titled “Experimental Flow Visualization of Karman Vortex Flow past a Fish-inspired Robot”. Presented at the AIAA student conference held at the University of Maryland, April 5-6, 2013.

Summer 2012

During the summer of 2012, I participated in National Science Foundation sponsored Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Miniature Robotics at the University of Maryland, College Park. I developed a method to visualize 3D flows using Microsoft Kinect as a sensor. Calibrated and programmed Microsoft Kinect cameras in OpenCV and python to collect depth video data. Wrote Matlab scripts to image process depth video data of smoke rings and calculate their flow properties. Program activities included laboratory tours, guest speakers on robotics research, graduate school mentoring, and culminating research paper and presentation.


I work at the Collective Dynamics and Control Laboratory in the Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Maryland, College Park. I created Matlab simulations to model the dynamics of rigid body collisions to study collective behavior of hexbugs. During my freshman year, I developed a motion coordination algorithm for Lego NXT that enables two robotic tanks to balance on a seesaw.

About Me


I graduated from Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, MD in 2010. I am currently pursuing a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering at the University for Maryland, College Park and expect to graduate in May 2014.

Contact Me

Email: hxia[at]terpmail[dot]umd[dot]edu

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