2 && $i == $nauthors-1) echo ", and "; else echo ", "; } } // function to print the status function print_status($sid) { global $pdb; // query the status string $query = "SELECT status FROM status_table WHERE statusid=$sid"; $result = mysql_query($query, $pdb) or die($query . "Invalid query."); // print the result $status_msg = mysql_fetch_row($result); echo "$status_msg[0] "; } // function to print the hyper links to a given publication function print_links($pid) { global $pdb, $host; // query the link list $query = "SELECT fileurl FROM pubfile_table, meta_table WHERE meta_table.pubid=$pid AND meta_table.fileid=pubfile_table.fileid GROUP BY fileurl"; $result = mysql_query($query, $pdb) or die($query . "Invalid query."); // print the result while ($link = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { if (eregi("pdf$", $link[0])) $filetype = "PDF"; else if (eregi("ps$", $link[0]) || eregi("ps.z$", $link[0]) || eregi("ps.gz$", $link[0])) $filetype = "PS"; else $filetype = "Unknown Type"; echo "[$filetype]"; } } // function to print the publication list in a given category function print_publications($category, $status) { global $pdb, $firstname, $lastname; if ($status == "submitted") $status_query = "AND pub_table.statusid=4"; else $status_query = "AND pub_table.statusid<>4"; switch ($category) { case "book": // query the list of books $query = "SELECT pub_table.pubid, title, editor, publisher, year FROM author_table, pub_table, meta_table WHERE pub_table.pubtype='book' AND author_table.firstname='$firstname' AND author_table.lastname='$lastname' AND meta_table.authorid=author_table.authorid AND meta_table.pubid=pub_table.pubid $status_query GROUP BY title ORDER BY year DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query, $pdb) or die($query . "Invalid query."); // print the result while ($item = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "
  • "; print_authors($item[0]); // authors echo "$item[1], "; // title if ($item[2]!="") echo "$item[2] (eds.), "; // editor if ($item[3]!="") echo "$item[3], "; // publisher if ($item[4]!=NULL) echo "$item[4]. "; // year print_links($item[0]); // links echo "\n"; } break; case "bookchapter": // query the list of book chapters $query = "SELECT pub_table.pubid, title, statusid, booktitle, editor, pages, publisher, month, year FROM author_table, pub_table, meta_table WHERE pub_table.pubtype='incollection' AND author_table.firstname='$firstname' AND author_table.lastname='$lastname' AND meta_table.authorid=author_table.authorid AND meta_table.pubid=pub_table.pubid $status_query GROUP BY title ORDER BY year DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query, $pdb) or die($query . "Invalid query."); // print the result while ($item = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "
  • "; print_authors($item[0]); // authors echo "\"$item[1],\" "; // title print_status($item[2]); echo "$item[3], "; // book title if ($item[4]!="") echo "$item[4] (eds.), "; // editor if ($item[5]!="") echo "pp. $item[5], "; // pages if ($item[6]!="") echo "$item[6], "; // publisher if ($item[7]!="") echo "$item[7] "; // month if ($item[8]!=NULL) echo "$item[8]. "; // year print_links($item[0]); // links echo "\n"; } break; case "phdthesis": // query the list of Ph.D. Thesis $query = "SELECT pub_table.pubid, title, school, address, month, year FROM author_table, pub_table, meta_table WHERE pub_table.pubtype='phdthesis' AND author_table.firstname='$firstname' AND author_table.lastname='$lastname' AND meta_table.authorid=author_table.authorid AND meta_table.pubid=pub_table.pubid $status_query GROUP BY title ORDER BY year DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query, $pdb) or die($query . "Invalid query."); // print the result while ($item = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "
  • "; print_authors($item[0]); // authors echo "$item[1], "; // title echo "$item[2], "; // school if ($item[3]!="") echo "$item[3], "; // address if ($item[4]!="") echo "$item[4] "; // month if ($item[5]!=NULL) echo "$item[5]. "; // year print_links($item[0]); // links echo "\n"; } break; case "mastersthesis": // query the list of Master's Thesis $query = "SELECT pub_table.pubid, title, school, address, month, year FROM author_table, pub_table, meta_table WHERE pub_table.pubtype='mastersthesis' AND author_table.firstname='$firstname' AND author_table.lastname='$lastname' AND meta_table.authorid=author_table.authorid AND meta_table.pubid=pub_table.pubid $status_query GROUP BY title ORDER BY year DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query, $pdb) or die($query . "Invalid query."); // print the result while ($item = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "
  • "; print_authors($item[0]); // authors echo "$item[1], "; // title echo "$item[2], "; // school if ($item[3]!="") echo "$item[3], "; // address if ($item[4]!="") echo "$item[4] "; // month if ($item[5]!=NULL) echo "$item[5]. "; // year print_links($item[0]); // links echo "\n"; } break; case "journal": // query the list of journal papers $query = "SELECT pub_table.pubid, title, statusid, journal, volume, number, pages, month, year FROM author_table, pub_table, meta_table WHERE pub_table.pubtype='article' AND author_table.firstname='$firstname' AND author_table.lastname='$lastname' AND meta_table.authorid=author_table.authorid AND meta_table.pubid=pub_table.pubid $status_query GROUP BY title ORDER BY year DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query, $pdb) or die($query . "Invalid query."); // print the result while ($item = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "
  • "; print_authors($item[0]); // authors echo "\"$item[1],\" "; // title print_status($item[2]); echo "$item[3], "; // journal name if ($item[4]!=0) echo "Vol. $item[4], "; // volume if ($item[5]!=0) echo "No. $item[5], "; // number if ($item[6]!="") echo "pp. $item[6], "; // pages if ($item[7]!="") echo "$item[7] "; // month if ($item[8]!=NULL) echo "$item[8]. "; // date print_links($item[0]); // links echo "\n"; } break; case "conference": // query the list of conference papers $query = "SELECT pub_table.pubid, title, statusid, booktitle, pages, address, month, year FROM author_table, pub_table, meta_table WHERE pub_table.pubtype='inproceedings' AND author_table.firstname='$firstname' AND author_table.lastname='$lastname' AND meta_table.authorid=author_table.authorid AND meta_table.pubid=pub_table.pubid $status_query GROUP BY title ORDER BY year DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query, $pdb) or die($query . "Invalid query."); // print the result while ($item = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "
  • "; print_authors($item[0]); // authors echo "\"$item[1],\" "; // title print_status($item[2]); echo "$item[3], "; // proceeding name if ($item[4]!="") echo "pp. $item[4], "; // pages if ($item[5]!="") echo "$item[5], "; // address if ($item[6]!="") echo "$item[6] "; // month if ($item[7]!="") echo "$item[7]. "; // year print_links($item[0]); // links echo "\n"; } break; case "techreport": // query the list of conference papers $query = "SELECT pub_table.pubid, title, institution, type, address, month, year FROM author_table, pub_table, meta_table WHERE pub_table.pubtype='techreport' AND author_table.firstname='$firstname' AND author_table.lastname='$lastname' AND meta_table.authorid=author_table.authorid AND meta_table.pubid=pub_table.pubid $status_query GROUP BY title ORDER BY year DESC"; $result = mysql_query($query, $pdb) or die($query . "Invalid query."); // print the result while ($item = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { echo "
  • "; print_authors($item[0]); // authors echo "\"$item[1],\" "; // title echo "$item[2], "; // institution if ($item[3]!="") echo "$item[3], "; // type if ($item[4]!="") echo "$item[4], "; // address if ($item[5]!="") echo "$item[5] "; // month if ($item[6]!="") echo "$item[6]. "; // year print_links($item[0]); // links echo "\n"; } break; } } ?>

    Publication List

    Submitted papers

    Journal papers

    Conference papers

    Technical Reports