Past Research Projects at CMU & EPFL

Past Projects:
- Automated Guideway Defect Marking System
- Organization
- ICES (Institute for Complex Engineered Systems), Carnegie Institute for Technology, Carnegie Mellon University
- Principal Investigator
- Scott Thayer
- Project Team
- Scott Thayer, DeWitt Latimer IV, Chris Baker, James Raskob
- ADSMCon - a research program focusing on the detection of defects in constructed facilities. Theis project encompasses the disciplines of architecture, civil engineering, and robotics. The specific research areas appear to be: representation of design flexibility, field tools (wearable computers) for defect detection, reasoning about 4-D construction plans, embedding sensors, planning sensor activity, performing object recognition on LIDAR images, and correlating recognized as-builts with CAD models to detect defects. I am working on planning sensor activity, specifically planning the minimum cost plan to scan a construction site to determine if a certain set of criteria is satisfied.
- Organization
- ICES (Institute for Complex Engineered Systems), Carnegie Institute for Technology, Carnegie Mellon University
- Principal Investigator
- Burcu Akinci
- Sensor Planning Team
- Scott Thayer (lead), DeWitt Latimer IV, Ed Latimer, Lisa Michaux-Smith
- Bombardier Guideway Assessment Project - a research program continuation of a class project (see below). This project focuses on analyzing an aspect of construction constraint monitoring and searching for alternate, hopefully automated, solutions to improve the monitoring process. I based my MS Thesis in Civil Engineering on the cost estimation of the software needed to back up this civil system.
- Organization
- ICES (Institute for Complex Engineered Systems), Carnegie Institute for Technology, Carnegie Mellon University
- Principal Investigator
- James Garrett
- Project Members
- Burcu Akinci, Chris Paredis, Scott Thayer, DeWitt Latimer IV, Sameer Gujar
- Multiple Robot Coverage of Unknown Environments (Choset/Srinivasa/Latimer/Hurst). Another project that has been grown from a course project (initial course was 16-869 - Autonomous Multi Robot Systems, instructor Tucker Balch). The goal of this project is to use a team of robots with limited sensing and communication ability to navigate and cover a mostly smooth area that may contain insurmountable obstacles.
- Organziation
- Sensor Based Planning Lab, Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
- Principal Investigator
- Howie Choset
- Project Members
- Sidd Srinivasa, DeWitt Latimer IV, Vincent Lee-Shue, Samuel Sonne, Johnathan Hurst
- Atranz guideway design project, joint with the Carnegie Institute for Technology's Civil Engineering Department, Lehigh University, and Adtranz - North America (Formerly DaimlerChrystler Rail Systems - Currently Bombardier Transport). The goal of this project is to analyse and specify a construction information system to support early detection of potential problems from survey data and integrate with the redesign process. Our proposed system is entitled CIAMS, for Construction Information And Management System.
- Organization
- Engineering Design Project Course; Carnegie Institute for Technology; Carnegie Mellon University
- Course Instructor
- Arthur Westerberg
- Project Instructor
- James Garrett
- Sky Worker, Field Robotics Center of the Robotics Institute. Sky Worker is a 12 DOF robot designed to perform assembly, inspection, and maintenance tasks for the construction of space solar power facilities. My contributions to the project include software development for representation, planning, and cooperation.
- Organization
- Field Robotics Center; Robotics Institute; School of Computer Science; Carnegie Mellon University
- Advisor
- William "Red" Whittaker
- Owl Project, Carnegie Mellon, Software Engineering, Intelligent Workplace. (undergraduate) - Developed, in a large (60+ person) team environment, software to assist with facilities management. The Object Management Group awarded second place in the CORBA/IIOP competition to the project.
- Organization
- Software Engineering Course; Computer Science Department; School of Computer Science; Carnegie Mellon University
- Instructor
- Bernd Bruegge
- LICS: Limited Instruction Comprehension System, EPFL, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. (undergraduate) - Developed a system to translate the natural language of cooking recipes to an internal, machine-understandable language.
- Organization
- Laboratoire d'Intelligence Artificielle; Department d'Informatique; Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
- Advisor
- Prof Boi Faultings
- Aggregate Paradigm Database Searching, EPFL, Laboratory of Theoretical Computer Studies. (undergraduate) - Evolve a database search technology to allow searching over multiple database formats, create user interfaces on the fly, and view database query results as users desire.
- Organization
- Laboratoire d'Informatique Theorique; Department d'Informatique; Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
- Advisor
- Prof Giovanni Coray (actually, I was directly advised by an associate professor, but I cannot find his name)
- Wearable Computers, Human Factors Engineering Design Team, with the Engineering Design Research Center (undergraduate). Performed user interface analysis, documentation, facilitating and directing meetings, user testing, and liaison duties to subsystems within the project.
- Organization
- Engineering Design Research Center; Carnegie Institute for Technology; Carnegie Mellon University
- Principal Investigator
- Daniel Siewiorek
- Project Manager
- Asim Smailagic
Past Projects with NIST
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