My Research

Here at the USC Interaction Lab, graduate students each have a project that deals with the robot socially interacting with humans, usually in an assistive way. The graduate student I work with is working on programming the PR2 robot to interact with autistic children. There are many aspects to interaction between humans and robots, and the robot needs a certain set of actions programmed. This means that one particular research project has many aspects and can be very time consuming due to all of the actions and conditions that need to be coded. So far, my task has been to program a very specific task for the PR2 robot. I need to get the PR2 to pick up an object at a specified location and place it at another location on the tabletop. The robot will be controlled my code, and will use the laser scanner on its head as well as my code to find and pick up the object. This robot and application will be used to research the field of social robotics. I will be using the MoveIt! software as well as ROS (Robot Operating Systems) programming. Part of my job is first to learn how to navigate and use the MoveIt! software since it is very new and the USC Interaction Lab has not yet used it. I will also use Gazebo, a 3D simulation software, to simulate the movements of the robot before we test it on the actual PR2.