




PyPlayer: Python Client for Player/Stage

Player Device

Function get_device_list()
Parameters None
Return tuple of device ID tuples. Device ID tuple is composed of three values: device interface name, device index, and port number.
Description Return the list of availab devices.
Example >>> robot.get_device_list()
(('position', 0, 6665), ('power', 0, 6665), ('sonar', 0, 6665))

Function get_driver_name()
Parameters device, index=0, port=6665
Return the driver name of a correspoding device interface.
Description Retrieve the driver name of a particular device. A device is specified using an interface name (device), a device index (index) and a port number (port).
Example >>> robot.get_driver_name('position')

Function start()
Parameters device, index=0, access='a'
Return the driver name of a correspoding device interface.
Description Subscribe a device, which is specified using an interface name (device) and a device index (index). access can be 'r' for read-only, 'w' for write-only, 'a' for all, and 'c' for close.
Example >>> robot.start('sonar', access='r')

Function stop()
Parameters device, index=0
Return None
Description Unsubscribe a device, which is specified using an interface name (device) and a device index (index).
Example >>> robot.stop('sonar')

Function set_mode()
Parameters mode='push new'
Return None
Description Change the data feeding method of Player. There are four different modes:
  • 'push all' : at a fixed frequency, send data from every currently subscribed device.
  • 'pull all' : on client request, send data from every currently subscribed device.
  • 'push new' : at a fixed frequency, send data only from those currently subscribed devices that have generated new data.
  • 'pull new' : on client request, send data only from those currently subscribed devices that have generated new data.
Example >>> robot.set_mode('pull new')

Function fetch_data()
Parameters None
Return None
Description Request a single round of data when Player server is in a 'pull all' or 'pull new' mode.
Example >>> robot.fetch_data()

Function set_frequency()
Parameters frequency
Return None
Description Change data feeding speed when Player server is in a 'push all' or 'push new' mode.
Example >>> robot.set_frequency(5)

Function set_auth_key()
Parameters key
Return None
Description Send a key string for authentication.
Example >>> robot.set_auth_key('mypassword')