PyPlayer: Python Client for Player/Stage
Function |
Parameters |
Return |
tuple of hypothesis. The hypothesis is a tuple of a mean vector,
a covariance matrix, and a coefficient.
Description |
Return the latest data of a localization device.
Example |
>>> robot.get_localization()
(((7821, 5239, 186), ((14612479, -75789, -13685), (-75789, 6969986, -23073),
(-13685, -23073, 10955)), 0.044381129999999998), ((12778, 3096, 175),
((4295945, 13286, 4058), (13286, 3243484, -9661), (4058, -9661, 11034)),
0.095423944999999996), ((8268, 6572, 168), ((13829004, -82700, 14048),
(-82700, 7715088, 11572), (14048, 11572, 10751)), 0.040117367000000001),
((12890, 8719, 169), ((4033858, -674303, 13307), (-674303, 4503568, -4649),
(13307, -4649, 10840)), 0.17392422599999999), ((9539, 2214, 180),
((12912370, 265961, 19733), (265961, 2059125, -5460), (19733, -5460, 11455)),
0.12925208099999999), ((6707, 6210, 218), ((13086192, -523723, -105781),
(-523723, 7648286, 21162), (-105781, 21162, 9250)), 0.049161191),
((3502, 2986, 162), ((4878906, -196163, 4531), (-196163, 3382225, -14064),
(4531, -14064, 11139)), 0.15227044200000001), ((8685, 7491, 190),
((12936608, 628829, 25338), (628829, 6616040, 17809), (25338, 17809, 10548)),
0.065095362000000004), ((7326, 6130, 204), ((13922651, 2790, -45069),
(2790, 7729035, 9881), (-45069, 9881, 10179)), 0.052481197),
((4038, 9038, 171), ((6364114, 365723, -14511), (365723, 3449243, 8803),
(-14511, 8803, 10671)), 0.19789305400000001))
Function |
Parameters |
Return |
the number of particles
Description |
Retrive the current configuration of a localization algorithm.
Example |
>>> robot.get_localization_config()
Function |
Parameters |
the number of particles
Return |
Description |
Change the current configuration of a localization algorithm.
Example |
>>> robot.set_localization_config(1000)
Function |
Parameters |
Return |
tuple of with, height, pixels per meter
Description |
Retrieve the size of an internal map. When scale is not '1',
The size of a scaled map (shrinked by scale times).
Example |
>>> robot.get_map_size(10)
(40, 30, 20)
Function |
Parameters |
Return |
tuple of width, height, and a binary string containing a gray-scale map data
Description |
Retrive the map data, which is gray-scale, uncompressed, and rectangle.
Example |
>>> robot.get_map_data(10)
(40, 30, '\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\x00\xff ... \x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')