PyPlayer: Python Client for Player/Stage
PyPlayer is a python module for Player/Stage.
The module has been written focusing on simiplicity and interactivity,
which are the main strengths of Python. The development environment is Python v2.1.1;
however, I believe the module would work (haven't tested though) with v1.5.x as well.
PyPlayer module is pure python codes, so it requires no additional
module or package. PyPlayer module includes GUI componets (show_* functions)
which use 'Tkinter' module, so you may have to install Tkinter module
if you are using an old version of Python. (Tkinter module is now part of
the standard python distribution.)
- 06/13/2003 : Version 1.3.1 released. Fixed a bug in comms device.
Thank Douglas S. Blank for the bug report.
- 12/11/2002 : Version 1.3.0 released. This verion is compatible with
Player/Stage v1.3.x. See download page for
more details.
- 07/11/2002 : Version 1.2.1 released. Fixed a bug in
- 06/12/2002 : Version 1.2.0 released. This version is compatible
with Player/Stage v1.2.
- 02/02/2002 : Version 1.1.2 released. Fixed the error that raised
'KeyError' exception when get_*() functions are invoked too early.
- 01/20/2002 : Version 1.1.1 released. A small (but critical) bug
has been fixed.
- 01/09/2002 : Version 1.1.0 released. This version is compatible
with Player/Stage v1.1.